The Best Oak Tree Fertilizer in 2022 – A Complete Buying Guide

Oak trees are beautiful and long-lasting, and they may be found growing practically anyplace. For this reason, in cities and urban areas, they’re usually referred to as “street trees” because they give shade during the hottest months of the year. On the other hand, trees have a significant disadvantage. They grow at a slow rate.

High-quality oak tree fertilizer can assist you in obtaining relief from the heat of the July sun as soon as possible by promoting growth and leaf output in your trees. It also contributes to the health and strength of your oak tree, lowering the likelihood of storm damage.

Depending on the manufacturer, the best fertilizers are offered in a 12-6-6 or 12-4-6 ratio. So to fulfill the oak fertilization requirement of 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of gardening space, you’ll need 16.6 pounds of fertilizer for every 1,000 square feet of gardening space.

Because oaks are hardy and can thrive in a range of soil types, they do not require any additional fertilization. Adding nitrogen fertilizer to your oats’ diet is possible, but only if you apply enough fertilizer to cover 1,000 square feet. Choosing the right oak tree fertilizer can be difficult for many people. Here are a few guides which will be helpful for you in choosing the fertilizer.

You May Also Check: Fertilizers | Definition, Types, Ingredients and Many More

Best Pick

Burpee Organic Bone Meal Fertilizer

Burpee Organic Bone Meal Fertilizer


Editor’s Choice

Jobe's Tree Fertilizer Spikes

Jobe’s Tree Fertilizer Spikes


Budget Pick

BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed for oak trees

BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed for oak trees


Best Fertilizers for Oak Trees

Apart from being excellent bug repellents, these are also excellent fertilizers. Because insects and pests can kill young trees, the observations are significant. An overabundance of insects might kill even mature trees. If you treat your oak tree with high-quality fertilizer, it will be happier and healthier. In addition, it helps them to grow stronger roots by keeping their feet firmly planted in the ground. This list of the best fertilizers for oak trees on the market will assist you in making the best fertilizer for oak tree selection possible.

1. Burpee Organic Bone Meal Fertilizer

Burpee Organic Bone Meal Fertilizer

The usage of bone meal, which is rich in calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, is beneficial for the root systems of oak trees since it improves their overall health. You should consider purchasing this Burpee product in order to get the highest quality bone meal. The majority of gardeners who used this fertilizer saw improvements in the health of their roots.

In order to get the desired outcomes, you must understand the proper application techniques and timing. According to those who are knowledgeable in gardening, Phosphorus should be worked into the soil in the spring. It has been shown that the use of this organic fertilizer may speed up the process of new plant growth. During the growing season, you can use the fertilizers for best results.

As the fertilizer breaks down over time, it provides the soil with a steady supply of nitrogen. As more time passes, you’ll notice that the oak trees are becoming more dominant in the landscape. You may also buy a Burpee bone meal to assist you in the cultivation of peppers, tomatoes, and other bulb crops. However, for the best possible outcomes, bone meal and blood meal should be used together.


  • NPK ratio: 6-8-0.
  • Bone meal.
  • Organic fertilizer.
  • Stronger root development

Direction for usage:

Add to the soil or potting mix before harvest to encourage strong roots and early, healthy plant development. Bone meal fertilizer breaks down slowly, providing nitrogen for healthy growth throughout the season. Follow the package for more information.

  • A fertilizer is high in phosphorus
  • Ideal conditions for the development of roots
  • There is no burning issue for plants
  • Slightly unpleasant odor
  • Due to the strong fragrance of bone meal, dogs may eat it
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2. Jobe’s Tree Fertilizer Spikes

Jobe's Tree Fertilizer Spikes

Jobe’s Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Spikes are a high-quality fertilizer for oak trees that is easy to use. This product can benefit a wide variety of deciduous and flowering trees, including oaks. The product does not include any potentially hazardous ingredients, and it does not have an unpleasant odor to it. 

Five spikes contain a 16-4-4 mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; nine spikes contain a mixture of 3/3/3, and 15/160 contain a mixture of 14/4/4 and 16-14/4. In conjunction with Jobe’s fertilizer, these spikes are pre-measured and time-released. 

This eliminates the need for you to concern yourself with any calculations. The application procedure will become more efficient as a result of this improvement. It is simple to put up these spikes, and they can be utilized in several different applications. 

In other words, you may rest assured that your fertilizers are in good hands. Soak these spikes in water and set them along the dripline of the oak tree, and you’ll be done in no time. Another advantage of spike fertilizer over conventional fertilizer is that there is no unnecessary spilling. As soon as you add fertilizer to the soil, the nutrients are transported directly to the plant’s roots and quickly absorbed.

As a result, the 16-4-4 fertilizer will cause your Oaktree to grow like a weed. According to the company, because the product is perfectly safe, the Jobe’s Company recommends using it twice a year. Gardeners, such as yourself, can significantly lessen their nutritional care due to this.


  • Fertilizer Analysis: 16-4-4.
  • Time-release: slow release.
  • Granules.
  • Product shape: spikes

Direction for usage:

All you have to do is soak them in water and plant them around the tree’s base. Each tree will require two to five spikes, depending on the size. The most difficult part is hammering the spike into the ground at least 30 inches away from the tree’s trunk to secure it.

  • Easy to use
  • Nitrogen concentration is high
  • Slow-release
  • The soil can be dug out and replaced depending on how the tree responds
  • Budget-friendly
  • You won’t be able to adjust the amount to meet the specific requirements of your tree
  • For young trees, the nutrient composition may be too strong
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3. BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed for oak trees

BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed for oak trees

According to SBM Life Science, which manufactures it, tree-and-shrub protect-and-feed II concentrate is the brand name for this BioAdvanced product. It is not just beneficial to oak trees but also to other types of trees. Its nutrients are beneficial to many different types of plants and shrubs. In addition, insects are unable to enter. It is simple to use because it has a built-in measuring cup. Use the 2-1-1 nutrition composition, which is softer than other products, to keep your oak healthy and grow new leaves so that it may continue to provide shade for your garden.

Because of its slow release, it can give protection and fertilization for as long as a year before it needs to be replaced with new material. As a result, it can be extremely successful when used against some of nature’s most vile invaders. These pests include adult Japanese Beetles and Emerald Ash Borers, which are destructive to trees and shrubs. This insect also kills the larvae and caterpillars of the gypsy moth.

Rain and irrigation water will not be able to wash away the product because of a system of water-resistant protection. Upon absorption by the oak tree’s root system, it will act as a protective and nourishing agent on the tree’s interior. This BioAdvanced solution for oak tree fertilizer has a long shelf life. Oak trees are regenerated, and pests and insects are eradicated from the area. And it continues to be beneficial even after a year.

This product is made even easier to use by including a measuring cup. Because this product is not organic, it is also safer to use in the garden than kitchen measuring cups, which are organic.


  • One-Time Application: Kills and prevents new infestations for up to a year
  • Insect and Pest Killer: Kills Japanese Beetles, Emerald Ash Borers, Adelgids, Leaf miners, Aphids, etc.
  • Slow-Release Fertilizer: Tree and shrub feeding and fertilizer help them stay healthy
  • Systemic Protection: Guards the roots and stems of your potted and outdoor plants and shrubs

Direction for usage:

Measure the granules and mix them with the appropriate amount of water. Afterward, spread the mixture around the base of your oak trees.

  • Slow-release nutrient feeding (2-1-1) benefits plants and trees
  • There is no need for sprinkling. Measure, mix, pour
  • Eliminates the most harmful insects and pests
  • Lasts up to 12 months until new infestations begin
  • Ensures systematic rainproofing
  • It contains pesticides. Hence it should not be used on food-producing trees
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4. Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub

Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub

The Scott’s Evergreen, Flowering Tree & Shrub Continuous Release Plant Food is a granular fertilizer that is used for larger plants like oak trees. The nutritional makeup of 11-7-7 is a perfect balance since it has all of these nice things to look for in a diet. Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are all dispersed in an equal manner throughout the formulation, preventing any element from becoming dominant. Your oak will get nourishment from it for a period of up to two months, which is an added advantage. For someone who tends to forget things, this means there are fewer programs to keep track of.

Granular fertilizer is one of the best options, and this one is one of the top picks since it won’t harm your tree and won’t cause a crust to build on the top of the soil. The fact that this medicine is tough to handle is mostly attributable to the great potency that it has. When treating young trees for the first time, use just one-half of the amount that is normally advised.


  • NPK ratio: 11-7-7.
  • Feeds up to 2 months.
  • Slow-release fertilizer.
  • Organic

Direction for usage:

In the area covered by the dripline, the soil should have one cup of granules worked into it for every 35 square feet. After that, saturate the soil completely with water. Repeat once every two months while the plants are actively developing.

  • Increases soil acidity and nutrient uptake with sulfur
  • Provides sustenance for a total of two months
  • Slow-acting formula
  • Nutrient-rich for healthy development
  • A resealable bag for secure storage
  • Proper usage will not burn down your tree
  • Budget-friendly
  • In re-sealable containers
  • Organic scents may draw in animals and pets
  • Young trees may be unable to withstand their strength
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5. Humboldts Secret Tree Trunk

Humboldts Secret Tree Trunk

It is highly recommended that you purchase this high-end product for your oak. This fertilizer follows the fertilizer ratio of 0-0-2, which allows it to concentrate on the tree trunks. As a direct result of this, the trunk and branches are more resistant to damage caused by storms. Since it is a liquid fertilizer, there won’t be any crusting on the top of the ground where it was applied.

The only thing that is necessary is one teaspoon to one gallon of water. In order to promote robust development, use this substance once or twice per month to larger oaks and once or twice per week to oaks of a smaller size. The only negative aspect of this food is the number of nutrients it contains. It would have been the best if it had nitrogen since it would help the leaves grow faster, but first, you need to make sure the trunk of the tree is in good condition.


  • Liquid fertilizer.
  • NPK ratio: 0-0-2

Direction for usage:

This recipe produces a great indoor plant fertilizer that can be used during any growing season. During the whole growing cycle, the dosage is between 2.5 and 5 ml/gallon. For more information, see the package instructions.

  • Strengthens your tree’s trunk
  • It comes in a liquid form
  • Results in a short period of time
  • Easy to understand and use
  • Only potassium silicate
  • For young trees, use them frequently
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6. Medina 12-4-8 Ready-to-Spray HastaGro Lawn

Medina 12-4-8 Ready-to-Spray HastaGro Lawn

Since its founding in 1962, Medina Agricultural Products Co. Inc., a company that is in the business of producing microbe stimulators, has been operating continuously ever since. The lawn food manufactured by this firm, known as Medina HastaGro, is considered to be among the finest. It is an inorganic fertilizer since all of its components, including urea, phosphoric acid, EDTA iron, and sodium molybdate, are man-made.

Each and every one of them has both macronutrients and micronutrients, and they are derived from the exact same source. Because the fertilizer dissolves so easily in water, after you apply it to your lawn, it will start receiving nutrients from it practically as soon as you do. Chelated forms of iron, manganese, and zinc are included in the formulation of this lawn fertilizer for your convenience.

It has been shown that humic acid is an efficient stimulant of root development. When you use this technique, the soil will be able to absorb more nutrients, have increased microbial activity, and be more resistant to drought. There is no question that the addition of 0.50 per cent humic acid to this lawn food would be beneficial to the plants. With the help of Medina Soil Activator, you’ll be able to stimulate the development of the organisms that live in the soil.

Consequently, lawn food enhances the fertility of the soil, which enables grass on lawns to thrive in an environment that is both healthier and more fertile.

Direction for usage:

After filling the hose with water, adjusting its mix ratio to 50%, and spraying it once each week for four weeks in early spring, repeat this process. Once a month is recommended during the growing season for the optimum benefits.

  • You may expect immediate results
  • An exceptional level of coverage
  • Fast and efficient nitrogen uptake by grass is a major advantage
  • The natural soil microbes are promoted
  • It’s a little on the pricier side
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best time to fertilize oaks?

Springtime is the time of year when oak trees burst into life, followed by slower development in the summer and fall. To ensure the highest possible nutrient uptake by the oak tree’s roots following fertilization, apply your fertilizer early in the season, before the initial spring growth spurt, and before the oak tree’s first spring growth spurt begins.

What is the best way to fertilize young oak trees?

It’s not that tough to grow oak trees. Accordingly, inorganic fertilizers should be administered to seedlings in the early spring and at the start of the autumn growing season. Young oak trees between three and five years should be fertilized twice a year with a balanced fertilizer. The amount grows by 0.05 pounds per year beyond the age of three. After the tree has grown for four years, the fall is the most beneficial time to fertilize it.

Is it necessary to water oak trees?

Live oak trees that are mature and well-established require little to no watering. The use of insufficient water, on the other hand, can worsen existing problems. Waterlogged or overwatered oak trees may grow germs that impair the tree’s ability to absorb water from the soil, which can be harmful.

What factors contribute to the growth of oak trees?

Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or one based on nitrogen when you sow your grass to benefit the lawn around it. During the summer months, planting around an oak tree should only be done with drought-tolerant plants that do not require irrigation.

Do Old Oak Trees Need Fertilization?

After ten years, oak trees are self-sufficient and do not need external assistance. The nutrients regenerated in the falling leaves each fall are extremely beneficial to both the tree and the environment. Rather than picking up things that fall to the ground, they should be allowed to rot on the ground. The trees should be left in their natural state, as close as possible, in the forests.


No one can argue with the benefits of having an oak tree in their yard. If you have oak trees or wish to plant oak trees, you should look for the best oak tree fertilization products. On the other hand, nothing is more beneficial to a plant’s development than a little tender loving care. During the difficult winter months, your oak tree will appreciate the extra attention and care you provide it.

With the correct fertilizer, it is possible to witness the growth of magnificent oak trees right in front of your eyes. Including a pesticide in your fertilizer will help to protect your oak tree against pests that might cause damage. Choosing the right fertilizer for your oak tree will help it develop to its full potential, providing you with shade and a beautiful sight to see from your efforts.

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